Friday, June 26, 2009

God, Part IV

A good friend of mine passed away this week. A sweet, kind and generous guy.

And so it happened that I was thinking about god on my way to work this morning. I was thinking about how people really believe that what they think about god is important (including myself). But god (in whatever form you believe or don't) is as abstract to us as any concept expressible in language. How do you feel about god? I don't know. How do you feel about blue? Or force? Or latitude? How do you feel about those things?

My friend Dan is gone, and it means something. It affects me. I feel compelled to change. But I don't know how. It strikes me that god, at root, is this not knowing what to do, but believing that there IS something to be done.

God is that lack of meaning that hangs in the air, creating a vacuum that we fill as best we can.

And good bye, Dan. I'll do my best to listen to everything you ever told me.

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